2 zone Central Heating System

 A 2 zone central heating system is a zoned system, which refers to one unit that provides heating and cooling control to multiple areas in your home. In the 2 zone heating controls, you have two completely divided units that each control one single zone with separate, unconnected thermostats.


Dual-zone Thermostat Settings

Generally, if you have a two-story home, you should set each of your 2 zone heating thermostat two degrees Fahrenheit apart from the other. In summer, when your AC is running, set the upper floor at the temperature you actually want in your home. Then set each floor underneath that to two degrees warmer.


Then how to set dual zone wireless thermostat in winter? During winter, you should set the downstairs temperature to the ideal level, and upstairs two degrees colder. During the winter, this isn't as much of a problem, because you want a warmer home. In principle, it's always helpful during those winter months to set your thermostat to around 72 to 75 degrees.


2 Zone Heating System Diagram

Electric heating devices can be connected to POER product PTC10/PTR16, and control electric heating devices within 16A. A gateway PTG10 can be connected to up to 10 heating devices, each heater can be individually added to 2 zone heating controls.


POER provide digital thermostat, digital thermostat, central heating control systems, mihome smart thermostat and etc. Want to know more? Contact us now.



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